Yuri Yunakov, sar čercheň pro saksofonos pes uľiľas andro berš 1958 andro Haskovos andre Bulgarija, chudľas but paťiva le kritikendar. O Yunakov chudľas andro berš 2011 cena National Heritage Fellowship Award the US National Endowment for the Arts , nekbareder paťiv perdal o americko manušeskero lavutaris.
Yuri Yunakov – Bulharciko saksofonistas
Autodidakticko virtuzis o Yunakov, hino andal e muslimsko fameľija, romane lavutarendar, so den turcika duma. Save zalen peskere dades, papus, bačis the phrales. Peskeri lačhi buťi andro bulhariciko “bijaveskero bašaviben” le Ivo Papasoha the lengera legendarno grupaha Trakija pricirdľas ezera šunden the šela imitatoren, chudľa maškarthemutňi ašunďipen.
Lengero bašaviben sikhavel virtuozno technika, elektrizimen improvizacija, sidžardo tempos, tromade averipena the eklekticko bašavibnaskeri gramotnosťa. Bijaveskero bašaviben hin vičindo perdal peskero šukariben, hoj hino všadzik pro bare dživipnaskere oslavi - bijav, boňa the čhinďipen, kaj hin kheľiben the bašavaviben mangle. Bijaveskero bašaviben hin prindžardo perdal peskero šukar bašaviben the phare ritmicka vzora.

Yuri Yunakov. New York, NY, USA, 2008
Rights held by: Richard Conde | Licensed by: Center for Traditional Music and Dance | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Center for Traditional Music and Dance (New York/USA) | More at: Center for Traditional Music and Dance9/8 kyucheck (2+2+2+3). Yuri Yunakov, saxophone; Ivan Milev, accordion; Catherine Foster, clarinet; Lauren Brody, keyboard; Georgi Petrov, drums. New York, NY, USA, 2001 CD: Roma Variations: Yuri Yunakov Ensemble, Traditional Crossroads
Ruchenitsa a la Paganini, dance in 7/8 (2+2+3). Yuri Yunakov, saxophone; Ivan Milev, accordion; Catherine Foster, clarinet; Lauren Brody, keyboard; Geprgi Petrov, drums. NY, New York, USA, 2001. CD: Roma Variations: Yuri Yunakov Ensemble, Traditional Crossroads
O Yunakov emigrinďas andro New York andro berš 1994 the kerďas suboris Yuri Yunakov, savo kerelas but turne pal e Evropa the USA, he mek koncerta pro festivala Smithsonian Folklife, National Folk Festival the Monterei World Music Festival.
O Yunakov bašavel andro kanacko dokumentos andal berš 2016 pal o saksofonos “The Devils' Horn” the kerďas vajkeci alba andro študijos so pes kerel giľa – Traditional Crossroads. Hino furt manglo pre buťi le Albancendar, Turkendar, Armenendar, Bulharendar, Makedonendar the balkanska romane grupendar andro than New York the mek hino andro klubos Mehanata.
Gypsy Fire, kyuchek in 2/4. Yuri Yunakov, saxophone; Sal Mamudoski, clarinet; Alfred Popaj, keyboard; Erhan Umer, keyboard; Sevim Umer, drums; Ali Ceyhan Kartalsuna, dumbek. January 2011, New York, NY, USA
Rights held by: Yuri Yunakov (artist) — Stoimen Vassilev (recording) | Licensed by: Yuri Yunakov (artist) — Stoimen Vassilev (recording) | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Stoimen Vassilev – Private ArchiveAndre Bulharija perdal o 70’ the 80’ berša, has romano “bijaveskero bašaviben” oficijalnes tele mardo socijalisticka rajenca, aľe andro kheratuno than has sar mujalkulturno, kavka denas andal peste avri. Perdal kala berša has o Yunakov jekh nekbareder čercheň, so pes marelas vaš kada, hoj pes šaj te bašavel he perdal o romane the na romane džene.
Jov geľas andre herešta vaš kada, hoj bašavelas kada bašaviben. Leskero prinďaripen bariľas the pro Balkanos the le šunden chudľas jilestar the andro zapadno Evropa, Kanada, Australija the USA. Kada čirlatuňipen zalel o jazzos the rockos, le bešňeto štiloha the dzivo improvizacijaha bašado sar fantasticko mariben maškar o Yunakov the leskere suboriha, so kerel bašaviben, savo lestar kerďa legenda andre Bulharija le 70’ beršendar.
Rights held by: Carol Silverman (text) — Martin Gális (translation) — Iveta Kokyová (translation) | Licensed by: Carol Silverman (text) — Martin Gális (translation) — Iveta Kokyová (translation) | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC 3.0 Germany | Provided by: RomArchive