

Ceija Stojka reads her poem »Pe o zeleno rito«

Ceija Stojka, Ceija Stojka, Florentin Groll, Mehmet Emir | Ceija Stojka reads her poem »Pe o zeleno rito« | Oral Literature | Vienna | 1994-04-27 | lit_00578

Rights held by: Ceija Stojka (work/reading) — Florentin Groll (reading) | Licensed by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna/Austria) | Archived under: B 41477 | Commissioned by: Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna


Rights held by: Ceija Stojka (work/reading) — Florentin Groll (reading) | Licensed by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna/Austria) | Archived under: B 41477 | Commissioned by: Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

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Ceija Stojka reads her poem »Pe o zeleno rito«
Ceija Stojka, Ceija Stojka, Florentin Groll, Mehmet Emir | Ceija Stojka reads her poem »Pe o zeleno rito« | Oral Literature | Vienna | 1994-04-27 | lit_00578
Rights held by: Ceija Stojka (work/reading) — Florentin Groll (reading) | Licensed by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna/Austria) | Archived under: B 41477 | Commissioned by: Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna


Pe trito rjat kata ginavimasko řîndo ›Kana o kham po sovipe džala, e paluni strafin astar‹ ginavelas pe anda la Ceijakê avtobiografijakê lila kaj ankliste 1988 thaj 1992. Khetane peskê śavesa le Hojdasa, peskê phraleska śejasa la Dorisasa, peskê phraleskê śavesa le Harri Stojkasa thaj averenca grižîsardja e Ceija palaj muzika.

Po početko ginadja e Ceija jekh poemo savo sîkavel lako kamimos pala uži natura, kaj sî simbola palaj slobodija thaj palaj trajoski zor. O Florentin Groll ginadja o poemo »Auf einer grünen Weide«: pe njamciciko śib – maj palal ginadja kotora anda [»Wir leben im Verborgenen« thaj anda »Reisende auf dieser Welt«›Phiritorja pe kaća ljuma‹

(Translacija: Mozes F. Heinschink)


Nitsche, Gerald (ed.). 1990. Österreichische Lyrik – und kein Wort Deutsch.

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Ceija Stojka reads her poem »Pe o zeleno rito«
Ceija Stojka, Ceija Stojka, Florentin Groll, Mehmet Emir | Ceija Stojka reads her poem »Pe o zeleno rito« | Oral Literature | Vienna | 1994-04-27 | lit_00578
Rights held by: Ceija Stojka (work/reading) — Florentin Groll (reading) | Licensed by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna/Austria) | Archived under: B 41477 | Commissioned by: Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna


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Ceija Stojka liest ihr Gedicht »Pe o zeleno rito«
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Oral Literature
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