E Oksana Marafioti sî jek amerikanicko avtorka kaj sî la řomane řusijakê thaj armenijakê řêdêčine.Voj sî avtorka kataj knjiga »American Gypsy: A Memoir« (2012). Ande peski knjiga phandel voj priče katar pesko trajo ande Sovjeticko Unija peskê impresijenca, kaj sas la sar imigranto ande USA. Lakê literarni buća ankliste ande l’ žurnalur »Rumpus«, »Slate« thaj »Time«, ande literarni žurnalur »The Fairy Tale Review« thaj »Pilgrimage«, thaj ande anthologija »The Perpetual Engine of Hope«. E Oksana sî vi jek, pe klasično sama trenirime, pijanistkinja thaj sî la Bachelor of Science (B.S.) pe sinematografija thaj jek Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) pala kreativno iskirimos. 2013 sas voj stipendijatka ka »John W. Kluge Center« ande Library of Congress ando Washington, D. C., USA.

(Translacija: Mozes F. Heinschink)


Marafioti, Oksana. 2012. American Gypsy: A Memoir. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Marafioti, Oksana. 2010. No Time for Betting. In: Geoff Schumacher (ed.), The Perpetual Engine of Hope: Short Stories Inspired by Iconic Las Vegas Photographs. Las Vegas: Stephens Press, 48.

Marafioti, Oksana. 2012. Krivoye Lake. In: Fairy Tale Review Vol. 8: The Grey Issue (2012), 81-87.

Marafioti, Oksana. 2012. Why TLC’s My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding Doesn’t Represent the Romani. In: Slate, 15 May 2012. https://slate.com/human-interest/2012/05/is-my-big-fat-american-gypsy-wedding-unfair-to-the-romani-community.html

Marafioti, Oksana. 2013. Roma Writer: Actually, Stealing Children Isn’t Our Favorite Pastime. In: Time, 23 October 2013. http://ideas.time.com/2013/10/23/roma-writer-actually-stealing-children-isnt-our-favorite-pastime/ (= https://perma.cc/E4XE-36M7)

Marafioti, Oksana. 2017. On Making Wishes. In: The Rumpus, 2 May 2017. http://therumpus.net/2017/05/on-making-wishes/ (= https://perma.cc/6BZG-5YUZ)