

Akile Eminova reads the last few pages of her book »Танцот на душата«

Akile Eminova, Akile Eminova, Sofiya Zahova | Akile Eminova reads the last few pages of her book »Танцот на душата« | Oral Literature | Štip | 2017-09-09 | lit_00118

Rights held by: Sofiya Zahova — Akile Eminova | Licensed by: Sofiya Zahova — Akile Eminova | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: RomArchive


Rights held by: Sofiya Zahova — Akile Eminova | Licensed by: Sofiya Zahova — Akile Eminova | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: RomArchive

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Akile Eminova reads the last few pages of her book »Танцот на душата«
Akile Eminova, Akile Eminova, Sofiya Zahova | Akile Eminova reads the last few pages of her book »Танцот на душата« | Oral Literature | Štip | 2017-09-09 | lit_00118
Rights held by: Sofiya Zahova — Akile Eminova | Licensed by: Sofiya Zahova — Akile Eminova | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: RomArchive


O ginavimos ankêrdilo ande kidimaski sala kata kulturako centro »Aco Šopov« ando foro Štip, Makedonija. O bašimos kaj ašundjol pe pozadina avel le manušêndar, save den duma ande soba pašê. – Šaj ginaven vi le anglune kapitelur kata ›Tancot na dušata‹ (›La dušako khêlimos‹).

(translacija: Mozes F. Heinschink)


Еминова, Акиле. 2001. Танцот на душата. Штип: Венециja [Eminova, Akile. Tancot na dušata. Štip: Venecija], 95–98.

Reprodukcijali lista

Akile Eminova reads the last few pages of her book »Танцот на душата«
Akile Eminova, Akile Eminova, Sofiya Zahova | Akile Eminova reads the last few pages of her book »Танцот на душата« | Oral Literature | Štip | 2017-09-09 | lit_00118
Rights held by: Sofiya Zahova — Akile Eminova | Licensed by: Sofiya Zahova — Akile Eminova | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: RomArchive


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Akile Eminova liest die letzten Seiten seines Buches »????? ?? ?? ??????«
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Oral Literature
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Interview with Akile Eminova