

»Wir Schauspieler des Moskauer Roma*theaters bitten Sie, ein Benefizkonzert zu organisieren«

Nina Vladimirovna Krasavina | »Wir Schauspieler des Moskauer Roma*theaters bitten Sie, ein Benefizkonzert zu organisieren« | self-evidence | Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic | Nov. 29, 1941 | voi_00056

Rights held by: Theatre Romėn (Moscow/Russia) | Provided by: Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (Moscow/Russia) | Archived under: F. 2928 / Op. 1 / D. 478 / l. 9

В дирекцию мос. гос. [московского государственного] цыганского т-ра [театра] «Ромэн» от актеров т-ра.


Мы, актеры Московского цыганского т-ра [театра] просим Вас организовать платный концерт, сбор с которого мы хотели бы отдать бойцам, защищающим Московскую область.
[подпись] Н. Красавина
[подпись] Вишинякова
[подпись] Петрова
[подпись] Хапаева
[подпись] Шишкова
[подпись] Зердитская
[подпись] В. Югов [?]
[подпись] Д. Сильницкий [?]
[подпись] Конденко
[подпись] В.Ф. Бизев
[подпись] Чиженко
[подпись] Скворцова
[подпись] Каржецкая
[подпись] Киселевский [?]
[подпись] Шишков

Организов. [Организован] 30/XI, сбор 1400 руб. [рублей]

An die Direktion des Moskauer Staatlichen Roma*-Theaters »Romėn« von den Schauspielerinnen und Schauspielern des Theaters.


Wir, die Schauspielerinnen und Schauspieler des Moskauer Roma*-Theaters bitten Sie, ein Benefizkonzert zu organisieren, dessen Einnahmen wir an die Kämpfer, welche das Moskauer Gebiet verteidigen, abgeben wollen.
[Unterschrift] N. Krasavina
[Unterschrift] Višnjakova
[Unterschrift] Petrova
[Unterschrift] Chapaeva
[Unterschrift] Šiškova
[Unterschrift] Zerditskaja
[Unterschrift] V. Jugov [?]
[Unterschrift] D. Sil’nickij [?]
[Unterschrift] Kondenko
[Unterschrift] V.F. Bizev
[Unterschrift] Čiženko
[Unterschrift] Skvorcova
[Unterschrift] Karžeckaja
[Unterschrift] Kiselevskij [?]
[Unterschrift] Šiškov

[in anderer Handschrift]
Organisiert am 30/XI, gesammelt wurden 1.400 Rubel.

To the Management of the Moscow State Romani* Theatre ‘Romėn’ from the actors.

We, the actors of the Moscow Romani* Theatre, request the organisation of a charity concert, the proceeds of which we wish to give to those fighters defending the Moscow area.
[signature] N. Krasavina
[signature] Višnjakova
[signature] Petrova
[signature] Khapaeva
[signature] Šiškova
[signature] Zerditskaja
[signature] V. Jugov [?]
[signature] D. Silnickij [?]
[signature] Kondenko
[signature] V.F. Bizev
[signature] Čiženko
[signature] Skvorcova
[signature] Karžeckaja
[signature] Kiselevskij [?]
[signature] Šiškov

[in different handwriting]
Organised for 30/XI, 1,400 roubles were collected.

Dži ke Direkcija katar e Moskvako Themutno Rromengo * teatro »Romėn« katar e aktorja.


Amen, e aktorja andar e Moskvako Rromano* Teatro, rodas te kerdolpe jekh humanitarno koncerto, so kolesa so ka lel ka ažutil e marutnen so arakhle e Moskvaki regija.
[signatura] N. Krasavina
[signatura] Višnjakova
[signatura] Petrova
[signatura] Xapaeva
[signatura] Šiškova
[signatura] Zerditskaja
[signatura] V. Jugov
[signatura] D. Siljnickij
[signatura] Kondenko
[signatura] V. F. Bizev
[signatura] Čiženko
[signatura] Skvorcova
[signatura] Karžeckaja
[signatura] Kiselevskij
[signatura] Šiškov

[aver vasthramope]
Organizovime ko 30/XI, kedine sas 1,400 ruble.


Rights held by: Theatre Romėn (Moscow/Russia) | Provided by: Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (Moscow/Russia) | Archived under: F. 2928 / Op. 1 / D. 478 / l. 9


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Nina Vladimirovna Krasavina
0.34 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Nina Vladimirovna Krasavina | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00116


The ‘Romėn’ Theatre contributes to the defence of Moscow in November 1941

The ‘State Gypsy Theatre Romėn’ was founded in 1931 during the implementation of the Soviet nationalities policy. Mainly members of former Romani choirs and music groups from the Tsarist period joined the theatre; they had lost their onetime audience as a result of the October Revolution. Performances were initially given in Romani. Over the course of the 1930s, the company then switched to Russian as the main language.
The German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 marked the start of a long-lasting state of emergency for the theatre. The male company members of military service age were conscripted into the Red Army in the summer of 1941. Three of them never returned. The core of the company remained, however, and toured throughout the whole of the Soviet Union during the war, giving guest performances and charity concerts. Many of the concerts were the result of the personal initiative of the actors’ collective, including this example of the concert for the ‘defenders of Moscow’. In November 1941 German troops had already occupied the outskirts of the Soviet capital. In the winter battle that followed, the German Army suffered its first defeat on the Eastern Front, halting its advance and, with the Red Army counteroffensive, pushing back the front some 250 kilometres westwards.

Martin Holler (2017)


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Nina Vladimirovna Krasavina
0.34 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Nina Vladimirovna Krasavina | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00116


übersetzer Titel
‘We, the actors of the Moscow Roma* Theatre, request the organisation of a charity concert’
übersetzer Titel
»Amen, e aktorja kotar e Moskvako Rromengo teatro, rodas te kerdolpe jekh humanitarno koncerto«
Nov. 29, 1941
Object Category
Object Number

Archive Section

Associated Terms & People

subjects World War II, period 1933 - 1945