

»Tag und nacht arbeiten und dabei hungern«

Ion Ghica | »Tag und nacht arbeiten und dabei hungern« | self-evidence | Kingdom of Romania | Aug. 4, 1943 | voi_00022

Rights held by: Ion Ghica | Provided by: The State Archives of Mykolaiv Region (Mykolaiv/Ukraine) | Archived under: Fond 1592 / Opis 2 / Case 38 / P. 22 / Orig. / MS.(the original scan cannot be published for legal reasons)

[ante 4 august 1943], [Catelino]

Domnule Prefect,

Subsemnatul, Ghica Ion, în calitate de Primar al ţiganilor din com. Catelino, jud. Oceacov, cu lacrăm[i] în ochi vin înaintea D-stră cu următoarea plingere.
Subsemnaţii lucrem din zi şi până în noaptă la colhozu Catelino, nemuncaţi, deoarece Primarul de la acel colhoz [corect: primarul comunei] nu bine vo[e]şte a ne da alimentele necesare pentru ca să nu fim flăminsi şi să putem munci. În schimb, el spune să plecăm, că nu are nevoe de noi, pentru că să termină munca.
Alimentele necesare nu ni să dau la timp, în special sarea care este necesară n-am primită niceodată.
Respectos vă rugăm să binevoiţi a da ordin ca să ni se d[e]a alimentele la timp, ca să putem munci.
Iar subsemnatul, Primar al ţiganilor în com. Catelino, vă rog a dispune să mi se elibereze o adeverinţă prin care să fiu puternicit ca Primar şi să pot veni din acea comună la Oceacov după chestiunele ce priveşte personalu din com. Catelino, mai mult după alimente şi brăcăminte pentru familie.

Cu respect,
ss. Ghica Ion

Domnului Prefect al Jud. Oceacov

D-l Pretor al Raionului va cerceta şi lua măsuri de îndreptare.
ss. Col. Gorsky

[vor dem 4. August 1943], [Kateline]

Herr Präfekt,

Der unterzeichnende Ion Ghica unterbreitet, in seiner Kapazität als Bürgermeister der Roma-Gemeinde in Kateline [Catelino von 1941-1944], Bezirk Oceacov, mit Tränen in den Augen folgende Beschwerde zu Ihrer Aufmerksamkeit.
Der Unterzeichnende arbeitet Tag und Nacht auf der Kolchose Kateline und hungert, da der Bürgermeister dieser Kolchose [korrekt: Der Bürgermeister der Kommune] uns nicht die benötigte Verpflegung zur Verfügung stellt, damit wir nicht hungern müssen und arbeiten können. Stattdessen schickt er uns weg, weil er uns nicht mehr braucht, wenn die Arbeit beendet ist.
Die notwendige Verpflegung wird uns nicht rechtzeitig gegeben, besonders das benötigte Salz haben wir nie erhalten.
Hochachtungsvoll bitten wir Sie anzuordnen, dass wir unsere Verpflegung rechtzeitig erhalten, sodass wir arbeiten können.
Und der unterzeichnende Bürgermeister der Roma
in der Gemeinde von Kateline fragt freundlich bei Ihnen danach, die Freigabe eines Zertifikats für sich selbst anzuordnen, das mir als Bürgermeister die Möglichkeit gibt, aus dieser Kommune nach Ochakiv [Oceacov] zu fahren, um mich um die Angelegenheiten bezüglich der Personen in der Gemeinde Kateline zu kümmern, besonders um Verpflegung und Kleidung für die Familien.

Mit Verlaub
[unterzeichnet] Ion Ghica

An seine Exzellenz
Herr Präfekt des Bezirks Oceacov

Herr Pretor von Rayon wird diese Sache untersuchen und korrigierende Maßnahmen ergreifen.
[unterzeichnet] Col. Gorsky


Mr Prefect,

The undersigned, Ghica Ion, in his capacity as Mayor of the Roma in the commune of Kateline [from 1941 to 1944: Catelino], the Oceacov district, brings to your attention, with tears in his eyes, following complaint.
The undersigned is working day and night on the Kateline kolkhoz and is starving, as the head of that kolkhoz [correct: mayor of the commune] does not give us the provisions we need not to starve and to be able to work. Instead, he sends us away because he doesn’t need us when the work is over.
The necessary provisions are not given to us on time, especially the salt we need has never been received.
We are respectfully asking you to order that we be given food on time so that we can work.
And the undersigned Mayor of the Roma
in the commune of Kateline kindly asks you to order the approval of a certificate for himself, empowering me as Mayor to travel from the commune to Ochakiv [Oceacov] to deal with issues regarding the people in the commune of Kateline, especially provisions and clothes for the families.

With respect,
[signed] Ghica Ion

To His Excellency
Mr Prefect of the district of Oceacov

Decree of the prefect, ms.:
Mr Pretor from the district will investigate and take corrective measures.
[signed] Col. Gorsky


Raj Prefekto,

O tele skrinisardo Ion Ghica, sar Romengo šerutno ande Katelinaki [Catelino kotar 1941-1944] komuna, Oceacov distrikto, asvenca ande mure jakha kamav te lav tumari sama vaš kado rodipe.
O tele skrinisardo kerel buti soro dives thaj rać ande Kateline Kolhozo, bokhalo, kaj o šerutno ande kodo Kolhozo [korekcija: e komunako šerutno] na del amenge xabe, mangas te na meras bokhatar amari buti angle te šaj te keras. Vov phenel amenge te džastar akatar, soske kana ka agorilpe i buti či ka trubusaras oleske majbut.
O xabe so trubuj amenge na delpe amenge ki vrama, majbut trubuj amen lon, amen či lijam dži akana lon.
Amen pakivales rodas tumendar te den komanda, te den amenge xabe po vrama, te šaj buti te keras.
Thaj o tele skrinisardo e Romengo
šerutno ande Katelinaki komuna, rodel tumendar te den man vi jekh certifikato, thaj te den man zor sar šerutno te šaj te nakhav kotar kadi komuna ko Ochakiv [Oceacov] te šaj te kerav mure buća phangle ke Katelinaki komuna, majbut vaš o xabe thaj uravibe ke familije.

[skrinisardo] Ion Ghica

Vaš oleski Ekselencija
Raj Prefekto ando Oceacov Distrikto

E thanesko Pretor ka lel te kerel kontrola thaj e trubutne buća.
[skrinisardo] Col. Gorsky


Rights held by: Ion Ghica | Provided by: The State Archives of Mykolaiv Region (Mykolaiv/Ukraine) | Archived under: Fond 1592 / Opis 2 / Case 38 / P. 22 / Orig. / MS.(the original scan cannot be published for legal reasons)


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Ion Ghica
1.22 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Ion Ghica | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00082


Attempts at self-organisation
Ion Ghica came from the town of Piteşti, in the southern part of Romania. On the list of the 1,002 Roma in Piteşti ‘evacuated’ to Transnistria on 12 September 1942, the following names are to be found at positions 123–27: Ioan Ghica (39 years), his wife, Floarea (27) and their children, Maria (11), Barbu (14) and Ioan (3). The deportation of Ion Ghica was atypical; since he was eligible for mobilisation, he was exempt from deportation. On the day the Roma departed, Ion Ghica asked to leave with his family because his wife wanted to be with her parents, whose names were on the list.
In Transnistria, the family was settled in Kateline (from 1941 to 1944: Catelino) in the Ochakiv (Oceacov) district at the end of October 1942. Ion Ghica was appointed ‘mayor of the Roma*’, a function that had been created by the Governorate of Transnistria. This was to be a man who knew how to write and read, had performed military service and was respected by the Roma. He was responsible for keeping records, overseeing the Roma and bringing them to work the area. He mediated between Roma, the Romanian occupation authorities and the mayors in the area.

On 21 December 1942, there were 650 Roma living in Kateline. Besides rations of barley or corn flour, they received no provisions. Nor did they even have any pots in which to prepare their food. It is also reported that Roma had to sell their clothes to buy food. One report noted the high mortality rate among Roma, mainly caused by typhus. By the middle of 1943, there were just 203 Roma still alive in Kateline. Since the spring of 1943, the Roma of Kateline had been forced to work at the village kolkhoz.

At the beginning of August 1943, Ion Ghica addressed a petition to the district prefect about the harsh situation of Romanian Roma deported to the district. The results of the investigation are summarized in a report to the prefect of the Oceacov district dated 2 September 1943, which partially acknowledges Ion Ghica had stated. The petition shows that in Transnistria, security of provisions was a problem even for those who worked on a kolkhoz and for whose food rations, according to the orders of the Governorate, the town hall and the local kolkhozes were responsible. The deported Roma not only faced shortages of all kinds and the arbitrary behaviour of the Romanian occupation administration; they also had to struggle against the hostility of Ukrainian communes. Although Ion Ghica sought to be repatriated, he and his family had to remain in Kateline until the spring of 1944.

Viorel Achim (2017)


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Ion Ghica
1.22 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Ion Ghica | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00082


übersetzer Titel
‘Working day and night while starving’
übersetzer Titel
»Soro dives thaj raći buti keres thaj bokhatar meres«
before Aug. 4, 1943
Production Credits
  • Ion Ghica (Author) (Kateline, Kingdom of Romania)
Object Category
Object Number

Archive Section

Associated Terms & People

people Floarea Ghica, Maria Ghica, Barbu Ghica, Ioan Ghica, subjects petition, self-assertion, Genocide, period 1933 - 1945