PhD, historian, Bucharest (Romania), obtained his doctorate from the Nicolae Iorga Institute of History at the University of Bucharest, where he teaches and researches today. His specialist research areas include the history of Roma, ethnic minorities in Romania between 1918 and 1948, Romania’s population policy during the Second World War and the Holocaust. He is the (co-)author of eight books and the author of around 100 book chapters and journal articles as well as the (co-)editor of four essay collections. Many of his publications examine the deportation of Romanian Roma to Transnistria during the period 1942–44; he edited a collection of documents on this subject, which was published in 2014. In 2015 he published Munca forţată în Transnistria. ›Organizarea muncii‹ evreilor şi romilor, decembrie 1942–martie 1944 (‘Forced Labour in Transnistria. The ‘Work Organisation’ for Jews and Roma, December 1942 – March 1944’).