

»Die letzte Zeit arbeitete ich am Bahnhof von Tapa«

Karl Siimann | »Die letzte Zeit arbeitete ich am Bahnhof von Tapa« | self-evidence | Imperial Commissariat East Germany | June 1, 1942 | voi_00046

Rights held by: Karl Siimann | Provided by: National Archives of Estonia (Tallinn/Estonia) | Archived under: ERA / R-56 / 3 / 50

1. Juunil 1942.a Paide linna 2. rajooni konstaabel
V. Randve kuulas KKS §241 korras üle
Paide vanglas isiku, kes seletas:

Minu nimi on Karl Siimann
Sündinud 26.3.1928.a. elukoht Tapal
Põllu tn 8. Karistamata.

Elan juba kaua aastaid Tapal oma
vanemate juures. Tööta ümberhulkunud
ei ole. Vargil ega kerjamas pole
käinud. Viimasel ajal olin tööl Tapa
jaamas puid lõhkumas ja laadimas.
Tööl sain tasu riigimarkades nädalas ja
priisöögi. Varemalt ei ole tööl käinud
oma nooruse tõttu. Ülalpidamise
sain oma vanematelt. Muud ei lisa.
Loeti ette. Olen kirjaoskamatu, minu
eest kirjutab alla Richard [?] Siimann.

R. Siimann
V. Randve
Paide linna 2. rajooni konstaabel


Am 1. Juni 1942 befragte ein Schutzmann des zweiten Bezirks der Stadt Paide, V. Randve, in Übereinstimmung mit der Resolution KKS §241 im Gefängnis von Paide die [folgende] Person, die erklärte:

Mein Name ist Karl Siimann
geboren 26.3.1928, Wohnort: Tapa
Põllu-Straße 8, keine Vorstrafen

Ich lebe seit vielen Jahren gemeinsam mit meinen Eltern in Tapa. Ich trieb mich nie ohne Arbeit herum. Ich stahl nicht und bettelte nicht. Die letzte Zeit arbeitete ich am Bahnhof von Tapa, wo ich Feuerholz klein machte und verlud. Ich wurde wöchentlich in Reichsmark und mit Verpflegung entlohnt. Aufgrund meines jungen Alters ging ich davor keiner anderen Arbeit nach. Unterkunft und Verpflegung wurden von meinen Eltern bereitgestellt. Ich habe nichts hinzuzufügen. [Das Vernehmungsprotokoll] wurde mir verlesen. Ich bin Analphabet; an meiner Statt unterschreibt Richard [?] Siimann.

[R.] Siimann
V. Randve
Schutzmann des zweiten Bezirks von Paide

Interrogation Record

On 1 June 1 1942, in accordance with Resolution RKS §241, the constable of the second district of the town of Paide, V. Randve, interrogated in Paide prison the [following] person, who explained:

My name is Karl Siimann
born 26.3.1928, domicile: Tapa
8 Põllu street, no previous conviction

I have been living for many years in Tapa together with my parents. I have not roamed around without a job. I didn’t steal or beg. Lately I worked at Tapa [railway] station chopping and loading firewood. I was paid weekly in Reichsmark and free food. I didn’t have a job earlier due to my young age. Board and accommodation were provided by my parents. I have nothing else to add. [The interrogation record] was read to me. I am illiterate; Richard [?] Siimann is signing on my behalf.

[R.] Siiman
V. Randve
Constable of Paide second district

Translation from Estonian into English by Anton Weiss-Wendt

Phučimasko protokoli

Ko 1. Juni 1942 berš, e arakhlimasko manuš V. Randve, kotor o dujto distrikto ando foro Paide, thaj džandos pala i rezolucija RKS § 241, ando phanglipe ko Paide, phučlas akale manušes kon vakardas akava:

Muro anav si Karl Siimann
Bijamo ko 26. 3. 1928, bešimasko than: Tapa
Põllu ulica 8, naj anglunes krisardo

Me bešav but berša ando foro Tapa kethanes mure dadesa thaj dajasa. Nikanak naj semas bibućako. Me ni čordem vaj manglem. Ko paluni vrama kerdemas buti ke trenoski stanica Tapa kaj pharrademas kašta. Me lavas ajluko kurkeste ando Reichsmark thaj sas man bilovengo habe. Sebet mure terne berša, na rodavas aver buti. Sovavas thaj bešavas ke mo dad thaj daj. Najma khanči aver so te phenav. O phučimasko protokoli si mange genavdo. Me sem analfabeto; pe muro than signature kerdas o Richard Siimann.

[R.] Siiman
V. Randve
Arakhlimasko manuš ko dujto distrikto ando Paide


Rights held by: Karl Siimann | Provided by: National Archives of Estonia (Tallinn/Estonia) | Archived under: ERA / R-56 / 3 / 50


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Karl Siimann
0.48 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Karl Siimann | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00106


The murder of a teenager

On 1 June 1942, Karl Siimann, aged 14, was arrested by the prefecture of the Järva district in his hometown of Tapa and sent to the prison in Paide, where he was interrogated. Although this record of interrogation is an involuntary statement given while in prison and thus is of limited value only as written document, it is one of the very few testimonies of a Rom from Estonia and furthermore the last sign of life of a teenager who in all likelihood did not survive National Socialist persecution.

Although Karl Siimann was able to provide concrete details on his employment, the mayor of Tapa, Jaan Adel, the police assistant Karla Tihemets and Lembit Palundi from Tapa all claimed that he was ‘work-shy’, had harassed other residents and roamed the district. On the same day as the interrogation, Johannes Randrüüt, the prefect of the district of Järva, thus ordered the detention of Karl Siimann until his handover to the SD commandant. Two days later the order was issued to send him to the Harku concentration camp.

The case of Karl Siimann is obviously linked to the broader arrest campaign targeting Roma in Tapa, where at least twelve other Roma were rounded up. Siimann’s arrest was justified with reference to the directives issued by the commandant of Paide on 1 December 1941 and the Dorpat command of the security police and SD on 14 February 1942. In all likelihood, Karl Siimann was one of the 243 Roma executed in Harku on 27 October 1942. Commentary, translated from German into English by Paul Bowman


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Karl Siimann
0.48 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Karl Siimann | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00106


übersetzer Titel
»Lately I worked at Tapa railway station«
übersetzer Titel
»Ki paluni vrama kerdemas buti ande trenoski stanica Tapa«
übersetzer Titel
‘Lately I worked at Tapa railway station’
June 1, 1942
Production Credits
  • Karl Siimann (Author) (Paide, Imperial Commissariat East Germany)
Object Category
Object Number

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