

»Denn der älteste Sohn sehnt sich nach seinen Eltern«

Petrus Johannes Vos | »Denn der älteste Sohn sehnt sich nach seinen Eltern« | self-evidence | Netherlands | Nov. 29, 1945 | voi_00044

Rights held by: Johan Weisz | Licensed by: Zoni Weisz | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Johan Weisz – Private Archive

Nijmegen 29/11 1945

Uw Wel Eedelle Heer
Burge Meester
Hier mede verzoek ik u
Eedelle of u zoo goet will zijn
om inligting te willen stellen
naar de vamilie Weisz die
gewoond hebben Laarstr. 85
die de 16 Mei 1944 naar Duids-
land zijn getransporteerd
en wij hebben naar dien niets
meer van hen vernommen
u moet weten wij zijn de ouders
van Vrouw Weisz en wij zouden
graag iets verneemen of zij
nog in het leven zijn wand wij
hebben het ouste zoontje bij
ons en die verlang naar zijn
ouders zoo blijf ik in afwagting
u ondere Danige
Dienaar P. J. Vos
Adr. Niewe Marktstr. 16c

Nimwegen, 29.11.1945

Sehr geehrter Herr Bürgermeister,
hiermit bitte ich Sie, verehrter [Herr], ob Sie so gut sein wollen, Auskunft über die Familie Weisz einzuholen, die in der Laarstraße 85 gewohnt hat. Sie wurde am 16. Mai 1944 nach Deutschland transportiert, und wir haben danach nichts mehr von ihnen vernommen.
Sie müssen wissen, wir sind die Eltern von Frau Weisz, und wir würden gerne etwas vernehmen, ob sie noch am Leben sind, denn wir haben den ältesten Sohn bei uns, und der sehnt sich nach seinen Eltern.
So verbleibe ich in Erwartung,
Ihr untertäniger Diener P[etrus] J[ohannes] Vos
Adr[esse] Neue Marktstraße 16c

Nijmegen, 29.11.1945

Esteemed Lord Mayor,
Herewith I request, esteemed Sir, if you could be so kind to provide information about the Weisz family who lived at 85 Laarstraße. The family was transported to Germany on 16 May 1944 and we haven’t heard from them since.
Please understand that we are the parents of Mrs Weisz and we would be grateful to hear if they are still alive. The oldest son is with us and he is longing for his parents.
Awaiting your reply,
Your most humble servant, P[etrus] J[ohannes] Vos
Address: 16c Neue Markstraße

Nijmegen, 29.11.1945

Paćivalo Raj forosko Šerutneja,
Akalesa rugiv tu, paćivalo Raj, te šaj oves lačho thaj te den man informacija vaš e Weisz familija savi bešelas ande Laarstraße 85. Kadi familija sas transportirimi ando Nemcikano them ko 16. Maj 1944 thaj kotar kadi vrama ni ašundem khanči olendar.
Musaj si te džanen kaj amen sem o dad thaj i dej kotar i rani Weisz thaj kamipasa vareso ka keras, te si von vi dureder dživde, o majphureder olengo čhavo si amende thaj vov rodel peske daja thaj dades.
Adžikerindos tumari informacija,
Tumaro majteluno ažutindo, P[etrus] J[ohannes] Vos
Adresa: Neue Markstraße 16c


Rights held by: Johan Weisz | Licensed by: Zoni Weisz | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Johan Weisz – Private Archive


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Petrus Johannes Vos
0.47 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Petrus Johannes Vos | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00104


No concern shown for survivors

In November 1945 Petrus Johannes Vos, born in Amsterdam in 1874, wrote to the lord mayor of the municipality of Zutphen to ask if the authorities there knew anything about the whereabouts of his daughter and her family. The letter was returned to him shortly thereafter. The lord mayor’s office gave the following answer typed on the letter itself: the persons residing at 85 Laarstraße were summoned to present themselves at the town hall, but the summons was returned as undeliverable. Mr Vos was told to wait for a checking of the residential register planned for ‘sometime in the future’.

For many years the family remained uncertain about what had happened to their relatives. Jacoba Weisz (b. 1916) was, together with her husband, Johannes (1914) and their three children, Augusta (1939), Johanna (1941) and Emile (June 1943), deported via the Westerbork camp to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp on 19 May 1944. Jacoba Weisz and the children died there; presumably they were murdered in the gas chambers during the night of 2–3 August 1944 when the ‘Gypsy camp’ in Birkenau was disbanded by killing all the inmates. Johannes Weisz did not survive either. At Birkenau he was selected for forced labour and on 3 August 1944transferred to the Buchenwald concentration camp, and from there to the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp, where he died in the Ellrich-Juliushütte satellite camp on 13 November 1944.
All that remained Petrus Vos was one grandchild: the eldest son of Jacoba and Johannes Weisz, Johan Weisz, known as Zoni. Born in 1937, Zoni was not in Zutphen when the raid took place in May 1944 but had gone into hiding at the home of an aunt. When he, too, was due to be deported, a Dutch policeman helped him escape; he hid in the woods and on farms, making his way to his grandparents.

The manner in which the Zutphen authorities responded to Petrus Vos’ inquiry is typical of the attitude of Dutch society after 1945. The survivors of the genocide were left on their own to deal with the loss of their homes and material possessions, the psychological and physical consequences of their persecution, and the profound grief for their relatives. An official notification about the death of the father was received first in December 1948. Those for the rest of the family are still yet to be issued.

Source: Zoni Weisz: Zoni. De vergeten holocaust: mijn leven als Sinto, ondernemer en overlevende [Zoni. Der vergessene Holocaust: Mein Leben als Sinto, Unternehmer und Überlebender], Amsterdam 2016

Karola Fings (2017)


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Petrus Johannes Vos
0.47 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Petrus Johannes Vos | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00104


übersetzer Titel
»O majphureder čhavo rodel peske daja thaj dades«
übersetzer Titel
»The oldest son is longing for his parents«
übersetzer Titel
‘The oldest son is longing for his parents’
Nov. 29, 1945
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