Poet, Writer and Playwright

Tamás Jónás has become a leading writer of Hungarian literature, especially poetry. His latest books were published by Magvető and Irodalmi Jelen. The 2013 volume titled Lassuló zuhanás [A slow fall] is one of the most significant examples of lyrical poetry in the Hungarian language. His works have also been published in French and German, among other languages. Two volumes are available in German: Als ich noch Zigeuner war [When I was a gypsy] and Fünfunddreißig. Gedichte und Erzählungen [Thirtyfive. Poems and stories], which incorporates both prose and poetry from 2008. His last novel, Apuapuapu [Daddydaddydaddy], was published by a Transylvanian publisher in 2013, and his last book of poems appeared in Hungary in 2016 with the title Törz [Tribe].