Simone Schönett was born in Villach, Austria in 1972 into a Yenish family. She studied Romance studies, education and media communications at the University of Klagenfurt. She has written five novels, two of which – Im Moos (2002) and re:mondo (2010) – have protagonists from Austrian Yenish families and focus on stories related to Yenish history and culture. Schönett has also published numerous poems and short prose works in anthologies and journals, including Versorgerin and Together with Harald Schwinger, she has co-written works for the theatre, co-founded the artist collective WORT-WERK and co-published amende – Magazin zur Kultur der Endlichkeit. She is co-founder of the Yenish Cultural Association in Austria and a member of the transnational Yenish organisation schäft qwant. She has been awarded several grants and prizes for her work.


Schönett, Simone. 2018. Andere Akkorde. Klagenfurt: Edition Meerauge. ISBN: 978-3-7084-0603-9.

Schönett, Simone. 2014. Der private Abendtisch. Roman. Klagenfurt: Edition Meerauge.

Schönett, Simone. 2012. Vom Bettel zu den Roma. In: Versorgerin. Zeitung der Stadtwerkstatt Nr. 93 (April 2012), p. 12. (=

Schönett, Simone. 2012. Selbstorganisation und Selbsthistorisierung. Die Strategien der Sinti, Roma und Jenischen im Umgang mit der Mehrheitsgesellschaft. In: online magazin von migrantinnen für alle 2012/1. (=

Schönett, Simone. 2012. Oberton und Underground. Novelle. Klagenfurt: Edition Meerauge.

Schönett, Simone. 2010. re:mondo. Klagenfurt: Edition Meerauge.

Schönett, Simone. 2005. Nötig. Erzählung. Weitra: Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz.

Schönett, Simone. 2002. Im Moos. Weitra: Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz.