José Heredia is a sociologist and politologist, as well as a director, producer and scriptwriter of documentaries on social, historical and political themes. More specifically, he worked as a screenwriter on Ya es viernes for Antena 3, as an editor in the drafting process, as a producer of Paco Lobatón for Canal Sur, as an editor of numerous reports for foreign programmes and agencies such as Reuters and CNN, and as a director of documentary projects at the European level. His work uses various artistic idioms such as essay, documentary and theatre.

El Amor y la Ira, cartografía del acoso antigitano (Love and Wrath, Cartography of Anti-Gypsy Harassment) (2015) is his most recent documentary about the systematic social and institutional harassment against Roma in the El Palmeral neighbourhood in Elche, Alicante. The inhabitants of the Roma ghetto speak their minds about police violence, school segregation, stigmatisation by the media and work discrimination.

Heredia’s articles and essays on Romani people in Spain, prejudice and racial stereotypes in cinema and literature, and the social construction of identity have been published in La Mirada Limpia magazine, Gifted Notebooks, El Fingidor and Interface.

José Heredia has directed and/or produced seventeen documentaries that have been broadcast on channels such as TVE, Canal Sur, La Cinquiéme, Odissea, Canal 11 and others worldwide. Currently he is senior partner at Argonauta producciones (



2015 El Amor y la Ira, cartografía del acoso antigitano