Jessica Reidy is a writer and adjunct English professor at LIM College living in New York City, US. Her short story ‘We Rise Up’ was nominated for the Pushcart Prize and named ‘Short Story of the Week’ in Narrative Magazine. Her essay ‘Madness Is Remembering’ won the Penelope Nivens Award for creative non-fiction. Her work has appeared in The Los Angeles Review, Prairie Schooner, Arsenic Lobster, Quail Bell Magazine and other journals. She is an editor for The VIDA Review.

Being of mixed-Romani heritage (with a Sinti dancer among her ancestors), she dedicates most of her writings and activities to raising awareness about Romani rights and about pejorative stereotypes against Roma as well as promoting Romani writers, artists and activists. In addition, Reidy teaches yoga and practices what she calls her Romani ‘family trades’, namely fortune telling, energy healing and dancing. As of 2017, she was writing her first book.

Reidy is an active blogger and contributor to literary digital media. On her own blog at ( she regularly posts essays, book reviews and comments related to Romani arts, history and culture. Her poems, interviews and book reviews have appeared mostly online, including her writings in the digital magazines Luna Luna, Quail Bell and Arsenic Lobster.


Reidy, Jessica. 2017. »Madness is remembering«. Prairie Schooner 91/2, pp. 33–38.

Reidy, Jessica. 2015. »Esmeralda Declines an Interview«. The Missouri Review. Blog. 29 May 2015. []

Reidy, Jessica. 2015. »Poems by Jessica Reidy: ›In the Oven‹, ›Night and Night‹, ›Gulls Calling over Corcaigh‹«. Luna Luna. 2 December 2015. []

Reidy, Jessica. 2014. »Murder and Tradition«. First published on »Infoxicated Corner: Political Punch: Poems by Jessica Reidy«. 9 September 2014. []

Reidy, Jessica. 2016. »Murder and Tradition«. In: Political Punch: Contemporary Poems on the Politics of Identity, ed. Fox Frazier-Foley and Erin Elizabeth Smith. Sundress Publications.

Reidy, Jessica. 2014. »Infoxicated Corner. Poems by Jessica Reidy«. []

Reidy, Jessica. 2013. »Free Spirits«. Quail Bell Magazine. August 20, 2013. []

Reidy, Jessica. 2012/13. »We Rise Up«. Narrative []

Reidy, Jessica. s.a. »Why the Pyres Are Unlit«. Drunken Boat 22. []