David Tišer was born on 2 December 1984 in Pilsen, now in the Czech Republic. He moved to Prague to study at the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University and obtained his degree in Romani Studies in 2015. David is the first LGBT Roma activist in the Czech Republic, as well as a pedagogue, an actor and a director. In August 2011 he established a Romani Theatre team called Ara Art, where he remains executive director. Establishing Ara Art came from the need, as an actor, to exploit the prevailing Roma–Czech situation and to create an environment that could change this through theatrical performances.

In October 2011, Ara Art premiered Gul’i Daj, David’s personal work, which portrays the point of view of the Roma in present-day circumstances. His role as an activist is encouraged by his ideal of a a society without segregation, racism, antigypsyism, and ghettos, where all can achieve fulfilment and self-realization.

David also currently serves as a member of the Inter-Ministerial Council for Roma Affairs of the Czech Republic and the Sexual Minority Committee of the Human Rights Council of the Czech Republic, and is involved in the Transpose project, on the Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) – EU anti-discrimination legislation.


… a zase jsme spali Pindral (Czech Republic, 01.10.2017). A creative performance using texts by Gejzy Demetera, Zory Horváthové, Ilony Ferkové, Emila Ciny, and other Roma authors.

Čirikloro (Czech Republic, 01.06.2016). A Romany musical fairy tale ‘Čirikloro or what a bird says’, based on the motifs of Milena Hübschmannová’s texts.

Gul’i daj (Czech Republic, 10.2011). Legend about the mythical Roma ‘Sweet Mother’ and the present-day situation of Roma in the Czech Republic, from the Roma point of view. Created in connection with the massive anti-Roma marches in 2010–12.