

Österreichische Lyrik - und kein Wort Deutsch : Zeitgenössische Dichtung der Minoritäten

Budjo = Bündel

Ilija Jovanović | Budjo = Bündel | poem | lit_00560

Rights held by: Ilija Jovanović | Licensed by: Slobodanka Jovanović | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Slobodanka Jovanović – Private Archive | Published by: Hamyon Verlag (Innsbruck/Austria)

Ilija Jovanović | Budjo = Bündel | poem | lit_00560 Rights held by: Ilija Jovanović | Licensed by: Slobodanka Jovanović | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Slobodanka Jovanović – Private Archive | Published by: Hamyon Verlag (Innsbruck/Austria)


Rights held by: Ilija Jovanović | Licensed by: Slobodanka Jovanović | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Slobodanka Jovanović – Private Archive | Published by: Hamyon Verlag (Innsbruck/Austria)


Ilija Jovanović’s poem, published in Gurbet Romani and in German, conveys the voice of a first-person narrator speaking to a ‘foreigner/stranger’ who holds a bundle that gathers all his possessions. The narrator sarcastically addresses the stranger in the informal second-person form. The ‘foreigner/stranger’ is waiting in vain for clemency from the authorities, the narrator states, and cannot expect to belong here because he is no citizen of the country. By the end of the poem, the ‘foreigner/stranger’ has morphed into a bundle himself in the narrator’s eyes. In the same way that the ‘stranger/foreigner’ is not allowed to unfold and unpack his bundle, he should also not expect to take up roots in this place where he does not belong.

The poem depicts sentiments of rejection that anyone who is forced to move, migrate, immigrate, or emigrate from one place to another might encounter.

Source: Nitsche, Gerald (ed.). 1990. Österreichische Lyrik – und kein Wort Deutsch. Zeitgenössische Dichtung der Minoritäten. Innsbruck: Haymon Verlag, p. 18–19.

Lorely French (2018)


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