Balic was born in Niš, the son of a second-hand trader. In 1944, after his father’s death, he became an engineering apprentice, and was active in rebuilding war-torn Belgrade.

He became very active in the Roma Cultural and Artistic Society, KUD ‘Ibo Ademovic’, in Nis. He gained the professional title of ‘Engineer’ and was active in community organisation and promoting adult basic education, from 1965 onwards.

In 1974, he started the annual Roma Coma Cultural Festival for Serbia. Joining the International Romani Union, he worked hard to expand its membership and was elected President of the World Romani Congress at the Third World Romani Congress in 1981.

Political difficulties, however, prevented the holding of a Fourth World Romani Congress in Yugoslavia and when it was held in Poland in 1990, he ceded the presidency to Rajko Durič, regretting that he had not been able to replicate, at an international level, the expansion of community activity he had achieved in Niš and Serbia. He is buried in the Roma cemetery in Niš.