

Foundation of the Fédération tsigane de France in 1981

Jean-Pierre Liegeois | Foundation of the Fédération tsigane de France in 1981 | historical document | France | Jan. 26, 1981 | rom_90007

Rights held by: Jean-­Pierre Liégeois I Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Jean-Pierre Liégeois – Private Archive

Jean-Pierre Liegeois | Foundation of the Fédération tsigane de France in 1981 | historical document | France | Jan. 26, 1981 | rom_90007 Rights held by: Jean-­Pierre Liégeois I Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Jean-Pierre Liégeois – Private Archive


Rights held by: Jean-­Pierre Liégeois I Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Jean-Pierre Liégeois – Private Archive


Press Release telling of the foundation of the Fédération tsigane de France on 26th January 1981. [This is the body that organized the event reported in rom_90006, headed by the then rising star of French Romani politics, Dany Peto-Manso].

It is stated that the Drafting Committee is ‘composed only of Roma belonging to one or other of the tziganes, manouches or gitanes communities in France’. Indeed, Leuléa Rouda (Vanko Rouda’s brother), Matéo Maximoff, Atalivio Demetrio, Violette Reinhardt, Jean Montoya are members of the Editorial Board.

Il est indiqué que le Comité de rédaction est “uniquement composé de Roms appartenant à l’une ou l’autre des communautés tziganes, manouches ou gitanes de France”. On constate en effet que font partie du Comité de rédaction Leuléa Rouda (frère de Vanko Rouda), Matéo Maximoff, Atalivio Demetrio, Violette Reinhardt, Jean Montoya…



original title
La création de la Fédération tsigane de France en 1981
Jan. 26, 1981
Production Period
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