

»Einer der Hauptverbündeten der Besatzer, der uns Roma* am heftigsten verfolgte«

Jovan Jovanović | »Einer der Hauptverbündeten der Besatzer, der uns Roma* am heftigsten verfolgte« | self-evidence | Yugoslavia | Feb. 16, 1946 | voi_00019

Rights held by: Jovan Jovanović | Provided by: Historical Archives of Belgrade (Belgrad/Serbia) | Archived under: Box Jovanović Dragi / 595-611 / No. 10 / Association for the Culture and Education of Roma* at the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Serbia / 16 February 1946

Kulturno-prosvetno udruženje
Br. 10
16. februara 1946 g.
Dragačevska br. 5


Udruženje je saznalo da se u Beogradu nalazi Dragi Jovanović,
poznati ratni zločinac, koji treba da odgovara pred sudom.
Kako je Jovanović jedan od najvećih krivaca i za strašnu sud-
binu naših sunarodnika-Cigana, i kako udruženje još ni do danas nije
moglo doznati šta se sa njima odigralo, jer o tome nema nikakvih poda-
taka ni sama Državna komisija za ispitivanje zločina okupatora i nje-
govih pomagača, - to najlepše molimo Javnog tužioca da izvoli primiti
ovaj akt kao vrstu optužbe svih cigana u Srbiji, a naročito Cigana iz
Beograda, koji su najviše stradali. Osim toga, molimo istražne vlasti
da imenovanoga zločinca saslušaju i na okolnost: šta je sa Ciganima,
gde su poslati i da li su još u životu ili su svi streljani? Ubedjeni
smo da je njemu sve to poznato kao jednom od glavnih saradnika i poma-
gača okupatora, koji je baš najviše proganjao nas Cigane.
Istovremeno molimo Druga Javnog tužioca da nas po mogućstvu,
na svaki način obavesti o rezultatima istrage u vezi sa ovim pitanjem,
odnosno da li su odvedeni Cigani još uvek u životu i gde su poslati od
strane okupatora. Ovo radi toga što su još i danas mnoge majke, žene i
sestre, koje su uvijene u crno, u neizvesnosti u pogledu sudbine svo-
jih milih i dragih.

Jovan Jovanović
Isp. Sudija

Marinko Savić
Dragačevska br. 5

U br. 546/46
16-II-1946 god.

Verband für Kultur und Erziehung der Roma*
Ref.-Nr. 10
16. Februar 1946
Dragačevska-Straße Nr. 5

zu Händen des Staatsanwalts von Serbien

Unserem Verband wurde bekannt, dass Dragi Jovanović, ein bekannter Kriegsverbrecher, der vor Gericht gestellt werden sollte, sich momentan in Belgrad aufhält.
Da Jovanović einer der Hauptschuldigen am schrecklichen Schicksal unserer Roma*-Mitbürger_innen ist und da es dem Verband bislang nicht gelungen ist, herauszufinden, was mit diesen geschehen ist, da sich nicht einmal bei der Staatskommission für die Ermittlung der Verbrechen der Besatzungsmächte und ihrer Verbündeten Angaben dazu finden, möchten wird den Staatsanwalt freundlichst bitten, dieses Schreiben als eine Anklageschrift vonseiten aller Roma* in Serbien zu verstehen, besonders der Roma* aus Belgrad, deren Leid am größten war. Zusätzlich möchten wir die untersuchenden Behörden dazu auffordern, den oben genannten Verbrecher über das Folgende zu befragen: Was geschah mit den Roma*, wo wurden sie hingeschickt? Sind sie nach wie vor am Leben oder wurden sie alle erschossen? Wir sind der Überzeugung, dass er als einer der Hauptkollaborateure und Komplizen der Besatzungsmächte, der insbesondere Roma* verfolgte, über all das Bescheid weiß.
In der Zwischenzeit bitten wir den Genossen Staatsanwalt, uns wenn möglich nach Kräften über die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung in dieser Sache zu unterrichten, das heißt, ob die Roma*, die verschleppt wurden, nach wie vor am Leben sind und wohin sie von den Besatzungsmächten gebracht wurden. Denn viele Mütter, Ehefrauen und Schwestern tragen noch immer Trauer und leben mit der Unsicherheit über das Schicksal ihrer Nächsten und Teuersten.

Jovan Jovanović
Marinko Savić

Stempeltext Empfänger:
Staatsanwalt von Serbien
Nr. 546/46
16. Februar 1946

(Stamp text)
Romani* Cultural-Educational Association
Ref. No. 10
16 February 1946
No. 5, Dragačevska street



Our Association has learned that Dragi Jovanović, a known war criminal who ought to be brought before the courts, is now in Belgrade.
Since Jovanović is one of the chief culprits for the terrible fate of our fellow Romani* citizens and since the Association has not been able to find out to this day what happened to them, as not even the State Commission for the Investigation of the Crimes of the Occupying Forces and their Collaborators can provide any information, we kindly ask the Public Prosecutor to receive this document as a form of an indictment by all Roma* in Serbia, especially Roma* from Belgrade, who suffered the most. In addition, we would request that the investigating authorities interrogate the above-named criminal about the following: what happened to the Roma*, where were they sent? Are they still alive or were they all shot? We are convinced that, he is aware of all this as one of the occupying forces’ chief principal collaborators and accomplices, who particularly persecuted us Roma*.
Meanwhile, we ask Comrade Public Prosecutor to inform us, if possible, by all means about the results of the investigation into this issue, that is if the Roma* who were taken away are still alive and where they were sent by the occupying forces. This is because many mothers, wives and sisters are still grieving, living in uncertainty about the fate of their nearest and dearest.

Secretary President
Jovan Jovanović Marinko Savić

Receipt stamp text:
Public Prosecutor of Serbia
No. 546/46
16 February 1946

Kulturaki-edukacijaki asocijacija
Nr. 10
16. Februaro 1946 b.
Ulica Dragačevska nr. 5


Amari asocijacija dodžanglas kaj ando Belgrado si o Dragi Jovanović, pindžardo maribasko došalo, kon trubuj te došarel anglal o krisi.
Kaj si o Jovanović jekh kotar e manuša so kerde majbare doša thaj e majbare bibaxta pe amare themutne Rroma*, amari asocijacija dži adives našti sas te džanel so olencar sas, kaj pe kodo phučibe naj nisave informacije thaj kotar e Themeski Komisija vaš e kerde bilačhipa kotar e okupatorja thaj olenge ažutipaske manuša, kodoleske rugisaras e Themutni došalipaski institucija te resljarel akava akto sar rodipe ando anav kotar sa e Rroma* ke Serbija, specijalno kotar e Rroma* andar o Belgrado kola so majbut si mudarde. Amen rodas vi katar e rodipaske autoritetija te šunen so ka vakarel thaj o upre lepardo došalo manuš vaš akala phučhimata: so kerdilaspe e Rromenca*, kaj si bičhalde, si vi dureder dživde vaj si mudarde? Amen paćas kaj si oleske sa kodo pindžardo sar manuš kon ažutisardas e okupatoren, thaj majbut kerdas džungalipa pe amende e Rroma*.
Ki jekh vrama rugis o Raj kotar e Themutni došalipaski institucija te del amen šajipe te informirinel amen savo si o rodipasko rezultato phanlo akale phučhibasa, si li e Rroma* varekate ingarde, ačhile li dživde telal e okupatorja. Akava keras ando anav kotar e but rromnja, phenja so vi dureder či džanen khanči, phangle si kalipasa, na džanen sode ačhilo o trajo olengere drago manglenca.

Sekretaro Prezidento
Jovan Jovanović Marinko Savić

Themutno došalipasko krisari kotar e Serbija
Ko nr. 546/46
16. Februar 1946


Rights held by: Jovan Jovanović | Provided by: Historical Archives of Belgrade (Belgrad/Serbia) | Archived under: Box Jovanović Dragi / 595-611 / No. 10 / Association for the Culture and Education of Roma* at the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Serbia / 16 February 1946


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Jovan Jovanović
2.03 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Jovan Jovanović | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00079


Victim’s claim for justice
Even before the end of the war, the Yugoslav authorities had established the State Commission for the Investigation of the Crimes of the Occupying Forces and their Collaborators, a temporary body that during its five-year mandate collected thousands of testimonies and documents concerning the crimes committed during the war. In Belgrade, the local sub-commission managed to collect testimonies from almost all Romani women released from the Sajmište camp.

The State Commission combined these testimonies with the collected documents on German and Serbian collaborators and made a list of those who had taken part in the process of collecting, deporting and killing of Roma. Among them was Dragi Jovanović, the municipal governor of Belgrade during the German occupation, whose responsibility for those crimes was claimed by Romani survivors, among others. Arrested after the end of the war, he was sentenced to death for collaborating with the National Socialists. Throughout his trial, however, there was no mention of his responsibility for the crimes committed against Roma. The same applies for all other war criminals, either German or Serbian: no one was formally accused of crimes against Roma.


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Jovan Jovanović
2.03 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Jovan Jovanović | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00079


übersetzer Titel
‘One of the occupier’s main associates, who persecuted us Roma* the most’
übersetzer Titel
»Jekh kotar e šerutne somdasne e okupatorenge, kon majbut džungalimata kerdas pe amende e Rroma*«
Feb. 16, 1946
Production Credits
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Object Number

Archive Section

Associated Terms & People

subjects Genocide, period 1933 - 1945