

Sostar gelem angle : Kotor katar ek intervjuo la Ceijasa Stojka

Ceija Stojka, Mozes F. Heinschink | Sostar gelem angle : Kotor katar ek intervjuo la Ceijasa Stojka | Oral Literature | Wien | 1998-05-24 | lit_00083

Rights held by: Ceija Stojka (interviewee) — Mozes F. Heinschink (recording) | Licensed by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (reading/recording) | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna/Austria) | Archived under: D 4802 (Excerpt) | Recording commissioned by: Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna


Rights held by: Ceija Stojka (interviewee) — Mozes F. Heinschink (recording) | Licensed by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (reading/recording) | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna/Austria) | Archived under: D 4802 (Excerpt) | Recording commissioned by: Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna


Sostar gelem angle : Kotor katar ek intervjuo la Ceijasa Stojka
Ceija Stojka, Mozes F. Heinschink | Sostar gelem angle : Kotor katar ek intervjuo la Ceijasa Stojka | Oral Literature | Wien | 1998-05-24 | lit_00083
Rights held by: Ceija Stojka (interviewee) — Mozes F. Heinschink (recording) | Licensed by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (reading/recording) | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna/Austria) | Archived under: D 4802 (Excerpt) | Recording commissioned by: Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna


Die österreichische Autorin und Künstlerin Ceija Stojka erklärte während eines Interviews die Beweggründe, ihre Erinnerungen an die Konzentrationslager, die sie während des Nationalsozialismus überlebt hatte, zu veröffentlichen. Sie bezog sich hier auf ihr autobiografisches Buch »Wir leben im Verborgenen«, das zehn Jahre zuvor erschienen war.

Das Interview wurde in Ceija Stojkas Wiener Wohnung von Mozes Heinschink geführt. In redigierter Form wurde es erstmals am 28. Mai 1998 in »Radio Romano Centro« (auf ORF Radio 1476, damals ein monatliches Programm des Wiener Vereins »Romano Centro«) gesendet. Drei Wochen davor war das Denkmal für Roma und Sinti in der KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen enthüllt worden. Aus diesem Anlass sprach Ceija Stojka auch über die Last von erlittenen Traumata für nachfolgende Generationen, über aktuelle Ängste und über ihre Verantwortung als Zeitzeugin. Die Sendung (in Romanes und Deutsch) ist online über den Katalog ( des Wiener Phonogrammarchivs abrufbar.

Weiterführende Literatur

Stojka, Ceija. 2001. »Amari odjori sas nasvali – Unsere Seele war krank«, in: [lit_00017] Cech, Petra et al. (Hg.). 2001. Fern von uns im Traum: Märchen, Erzählungen und Lieder der Lovara – Te na dikhas sunende: Lovarenge paramiči, tertenetura taj gjila. Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag, 308–317 [= Redigiertes Transkript samt deutscher Übersetzung des ganzen Interviews, ohne einleitende und Zwischenfragen].


Mozes Heinschink: You were the first [Romani] person in Austria – and even worldwide one of the few – to talk and write in public about the concentration camps and similar issues. But why did no other Roma dare? Why did you decide to go public?

Ceija Stojka: Why did I go public? Because the gadje said, “Auschwitz is a lie, just fiction, there were no gas chambers, as there are so many people still alive who all were in the camps.” This hurt me, because my Auschwitz number is tattooed on my arm! And where is my little brother, my father? They all died there! My father in Dachau, my little brother in Auschwitz. Both my grandmothers, my mother’s mother and my father’s mother, were arrested together with many other people from Burgenland and deported to somewhere near Litzmannstadt. I think they dug a ditch somewhere in the woods, kicked them in there and buried them. Their bones will probably be found in 200 or 300 years!

I wrote my book because I could not bear the statement that all this was not true and that we were liars. Auschwitz – everyone knows the name and whoever is interested in Nazi history knows what it means and that it is true. We cannot allow this knowledge to be forgotten, nor can we accept that something like this will ever happen to us again. I think I was the youngest kid to survive and grow old and to be still alive. God gave me a second life, and I have lived through it. I have children, a husband, my family. If only someone had come at that time and warned us: “Roma, we must do something about it, the gadje are terrorising us and telling lies about us!” And I am sure, if anything like that ever happened to us again, not even one single person would speak out! And I decided: “I have to write it all down”, so that my children – no, their children, not my own, but my children’s children and grandchildren – that they, too, know what we had to suffer and what happened. I wrote it down for them, for the grandchildren of my grandchildren, for them to know what had happened.

Well, there may be people who are older and wiser than I, but none of them grabbed a pencil to write anything down. And afterwards they had a go at me. ‘She wanted to write a bestseller’ – a book which is sold many, many times. But I did not intend to write a bestseller. I only wrote that small book to express my thoughts and feelings.


Sostar gelem angle : Kotor katar ek intervjuo la Ceijasa Stojka
Ceija Stojka, Mozes F. Heinschink | Sostar gelem angle : Kotor katar ek intervjuo la Ceijasa Stojka | Oral Literature | Wien | 1998-05-24 | lit_00083
Rights held by: Ceija Stojka (interviewee) — Mozes F. Heinschink (recording) | Licensed by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (reading/recording) | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Phonogrammarchiv – Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna/Austria) | Archived under: D 4802 (Excerpt) | Recording commissioned by: Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna


assigned title
»Sostar gelem angle«: Kotor katar ek intervjuo la Ceijasa Stojka
übersetzer Titel
Sostar gelem angle’ [Why I went public]: Excerpt from an interview with Ceija Stojka
übersetzer Titel
»Sostar gelem angle« (›Warum ich an die Öffentlichkeit gegangen bin‹): Ausschnitt aus einem Interview mit Ceija Stojka
Bibliographische Ebene
Oral Literature
