Theatre and Drama


Curated by Ristic and Vargas Rubio

Gul'i Daj Performance

unknown | Gul'i Daj Performance | photography | Czech Republic | 2013 | the_00441 Licensed and provided by: David Tišer I Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

Opening the Curtain on Romani Theatre

Contrary to what we are conventionally taught in the official historiography, Roma have, in one way or another, been present in the development of European theatre since its inception. Whether as dramaturgs or directors; whether as actors, dancers, acrobats, animal tamers or scriptwriters, they have been nurturing and creating this great art in countless ways. We are referring not only to Roma’s brief and folkloristic participation in European theatre, but to the heterogeneous creation of particular aesthetics, poetry and dramaturgy as part of a corpus of gestures, forms and intentions that are impossible to codify in a rigid way. Likewise, the heterogeneous forms of representing the image of Roma, often far removed from reality, have influenced and have been the object of inspiration in the broad and rich tradition of European dramaturgy. The myths, stereotypes and dominant clichés existing in the collective imaginary about the Roma People, as well as their artistic creations in all areas, have been and remain an inexhaustible source of suggestions for theatre creators in the formation of archetypes, in music, in aesthetics and ultimately even in the existential meaning of certain works.